However, even if I can easily communicate with others, it might not be in a good way. One major flaw that I have is that I can be brutally honest and lack tact when dealing with situations. For example, when people need a listening ear, I tend to tell them what they do not want to hear most. For people who do not know me, they might tend to misunderstand my intentions, thus offending people and giving them the wrong first impression.
By the end of the course, I hope that I can learn to be tactful as speaking without tact has caused people to feel offended and therefore poses an interpersonal problem. Learning to be tactful requires a change of habits, namely not thinking and processing before speaking. By stopping and thinking properly before speaking, it would prevent me from making hasty remarks and by stopping and thinking to organize my thoughts, I can come up with something that might not offend others.
Also, I hope that I can learn to speak more confidently as currently, I have problems speaking to large crowds of people. With a crowd, the sheer number of people overwhelms me and I will get nervous and tend to lose my thoughts. This could be classified as stage fright and I want to overcome it by the end of the course.